IllumiSci Trademarks
One or more trademarks are owned by IllumiSci (or its affiliates) apply to the business practices of IllumiSci. These US trademarks are listed below:
IllumiSci Trademark
Serial Number 85969621
Issue Date 02/04/2014
Registration Number 4477892
IllumiTile Trademark
Serial Number 86005607
Issue Date 1/28/2014
Registration Number 4475308
IllumiSci Patents
One or more patents owned by IllumiSci (or its affiliates) apply to the features and functionality of the IllumiTile Light Engine. These US patents are listed below:
Patent D740,239
Issue Date 10/6/2015
Patent US 11,769,759 B1
Issue Date 9/26/2023